NECRO: Killing time

Blog de Lord Necro: Raw Black & death metal, pagan, thrash, doom, viking, grind core, noise, folk, NSBM. Blog alternativo contacto:

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Colección: Black Metal, Pagan & Folk Metal, Viking...

HAIL! esta es sólo una parte .....

W - Z

Wallachia (Nor) "From Behind The Light" 1999 Velvet Music International
War (Sw) "We Are... Total War" 2001 Necropolis
Warhead (US) "Raping Of Angels!" 1998 Elegy
Watain (Swe) "The Essence of Black Purity" 1999 Grim Rune
Weltmacht (US) "And to Every Beast Its Prey" 2003 No Colours Records
Wewelsburg (Russia) "The Anti-Architect" 2003 Othal Productions
Wicked, The (Finland) "...For Theirs is the Flesh" 2002 Spikefarm Records
Windir (Nor) "1184" 2001 Head Not Found
"SognaMetal" 2005 Tabu
Winds "Reflections of the I" 2002 The End Records/Avantgarde
Wongraven (Nor) "Fjelltronen" 1995 Moonfog Productions
Woodtemple (Austria) "Feel The Anger Of The Wind" 2002 No Colours Records
"The Call From The Pagan Woods" 2004 No Colours Records
"Hidden In Eternal Shadow" 2005 No Colours Records
Wyrd (Fin) "Heathen" 2001 Millenium Metal Music
"Vargtimmen pt.I" 2003 Solistitium


Zyklon (Nor) "World ov Worms" 2001 Candlelight
"Aeon" 2003 Candlelight
Zyklon-B (Nor) "Blood Must Be Shed" 1995 Malicious Records

U - V

Ulver "Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" 1998 Jester Records
"Aatte Hymne til Ulven i Manden" 1996 Century Media
"Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler" 1994 Head Not Found
UnLord (Netherlands) "Lord of Beneath" 2002 Displeased Records
Unpure (Swe) "Coldland" 1997 Napalm Records
Urgehal (Nor) "Arma Christi" 1997 No Colours Records
"Massive Terrestrial Strike" 1998 No Colours Records
"Through Thick Fog Till Death" 2003 Agonia Records
Uruk Hai (Spa) "In The Side Of Eternal Eclipse" 2001 Battlefield Records


Vargsang (Ger) "Call of the Nightwolves" 2003 Undercover Records
Veles (Pol) "Night on the Bare Mountain" 1995 No Colours Records
"Black Hateful Metal" 1997 No Colours Records
Venedae (Pol) "Siedem Kamiennych Oblicz" 2002 Eastside
Venom (UK) "At War With Satan" 1983 Combat
"Welcome to Hell" 1981 Neat
"Cast in Stone" 1997 Steamhammer / SPV
"massacre days"
Vintersorg (Swe) "Cosmic Genesis" 2000 Napalm Records
Vlad Tepes (Fra) "Black Legions Spirits" 2004 bootleg
Vordven (Fin) "Towards The Frozen Stream" 1999 No Colours Records
"Woodland Passage" 2001 No Colours Records


Taake (Nor) "Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik" 2002 Wounded Love
"Nattestid Ser Porten Vid" 1999 Wounded Love Records
Tavaron (Ger) "Suizid" 2005 Live Eclipse
Temple of Baal (Fra) "Black Unholy Presence" 2000 Oaken Shield
Tenebrae in Perpetuum (it) "Onori Funebri Rituali" 2003 Serpens Caput
Teratism (US) "Invocatum Furae Diabolis" 2002 Root of all evil records
Thornium (Swe) "Dominions Of The Eclipse" 1995 Necromantic Gallery Production
Thorns (Nor) "Thorns" 2000 Moonfog Productions
Thor's Hammer (Pol) "The Fate Worse Than Death" 2002 No Colours Records
Thunderbolt (Pol) "Thunderbolt / Kataxu (split)" 2000 Ancestral Research/Resistance
"The Burning Deed of Deceit" 2003 ISO666 Releases
"Inhuman Ritual Massmurder" 2004 Agonia Records
"Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty (ep)" 1999 Old Legend
Thyrane (Fin) "The Spirit of Rebellion" 2000 Spikefarm Records
Thyrfing (Swe) "Vansinnesvisor" 2002 Hammerheart Records
Tormentor (Hungary ) "Anno Domini" 1998 Independent
Trimonium (Ger) "Of Warriors and Heroism" 2001 Folter Records
Troll (Nor) "Universal" 2001 Head Not Found
"The Last Predators" 2000 Head Not Found
"Drep De Kristne" 1996 Damnation Records
Trails of Anguish (Ca) "Relentless Abhorrence of Misery's Grievance" 2001 Independent
True Frost, The (Ger) "Open The Portals To Darkness" 2003 Millenium Metal
Tulus (Nor) "Evil 1999" 1999 Hammerheart Records
Tumulus (Ger) "Wodureid" 1998 No Colours Records
Turulver ???


Samael (Swe) "Blood Ritual" 1992 Century Media
"Ceremony of Opposites" 1994 Century Media
Sarcofago (Bra) "INRI " 1987 Cogumelo
"Tribute to Sarcofago" 2001 Cogumelo
Satanic Warmaster (Fin) "...Of The Night (ep)" 2004 No Colours Records
"Strength and Honour" 2001 Northern Heritage
"Clandestien Blaze / Satanic Warmaster" split
"Carelian Satanist Madness" 2005 No Colours Records
"Gestapo666 & Satanic Warmaster" 2004 Niessedrion Records
Satarial (Rus) "heidenlarm" 2001 Beyond...Prod
Satyricon (Nor) "Dark Medieval Times" 1993 Moonfog Productions
"The Shadowthrone" 1994 Moonfog Productions
"The Forest Is My Throne/Yggdrasil" 1995 Moonfog
"Nemesis Divina" 1996 Moonfog / Century Media
"Megiddo" 1997 Moonfog
"Rebel Extravaganza" 1999 Moonfog / Nuclear Blast
"Roadkill Extravaganza" 2001 Moonfog DVD
"Ten Horns - Ten Diadems" 2002 Moonfog
"Volcano" 2002 Capitol/Moonfog
Semargol "attack of god"
Seth (Fr) "L'Excellence" 2000 Osmose Productions
"Divine X" 2002 Osmose Productions
Shining (Swe) "Within Deep Dark Chambers" 2000 Selbstmord Services
"Livets Ändhållplats" 2001 Selbstmord Services
"III - Angst, Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie" 2002 Avantgarde Music
"IV - The Eerie Cold" 2005 Avantgarde
Signs of Darkness (Bel) "Beyond the Autumn Leaves" 2001 LSP Company
Storm (Nor) "Nordavind" 1995 Moonfog
Sturm Fuhrer "ich kampfe"
Suicidal Winds (Swe) "Winds Of Death" 1999 No Colours Records
"Victims In Blood" 2001 No Colours Records
Suidakra (Ger) "Lays From Afar" 1999 Last Episode
Summoning (Aus) "Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame" 2001 Napalm Records
"Minas Morgul" 1995 Napalm Records
"Lugburz" 1995 Napalm Records
Susperia (Nor) "Predominance" 2001 Nuclear Blast
"Unlimited" 2004 Tabu Recordings
Suuri Shamaani (Fin) " Mysteerien Maailma" 1999 Spinefarm (Nuclear Holocausto (Marko Laiho) - all instruments (ex-Beherit, ex-Goat Vulva, ex-Black Crucifixion)

P - R

Panchrysia (Belgium) "In Obscure Depths" 2002 LSP Company
Pest (Fin) "Hail The Black Metal Wolves Of Belial" 2003 BloodFireDeath / Vinland Winds
Pest (Swe) "Dauðafærð" 2004 No Colours Records
"Blasphemy is my Throne" 2003 Bloodstone Entertainment
"Desecration" 2003 No Colours Records


Ragnarok (Nor) "Arising Realm" 1997 Head Not Found
"In Nomine Satanas" 2002 Regain Records
Ragnarok (UK) ?? nattfred ??
Revenge (Ca) "Victory.Intolerance.Mastery" 2004 Osmose Productions
Root (Cze Rep) "Black Seal" 2001 Red Black
"Hell Symphony" 1992 Zeras / Cacophanous
"Zjevení / The Revelation" 1990 Zeras / Cacophanous
Rossomahaar (Russia) "Imperium Tenebrarum" 1999 More Hate/SoundAge
Rotting Christ (Greece) "Khronos" 2000 Century Media
"Genesis" 2002 Century Media

N - O

Nargaroth (Ger) "Amarok Best of/Compilation" 2000 No Colours Records
"Prosatanica Shooting Angels" 2004 No Colours Records
"Herbstleyd" 1999 No Colours Records
"Rasluka Part II" 2002 No Colours Records
Nåstrond (Swe) "Toteslaut" 1995 Napalm Records
"Nastrond - Nocternity" 2005 Debemur Morti
Nattefrost (Nor) "Blood & Vomit" 2004 Season of Mist
"Terrorist" 2005 Season of Mist
Nazgul (Ita) "De Expugnatione Elfmuth" 2002 Elegy Records
Necromantia (Gre) "IV: Malice" 2000 Black Lotus
Nehëmah (Fra) "Light of a Dead Star" 2002 Oaken Shield
"Shadows From the Past" 2003 Oaken Shield
Nefandus (Swe) "The Nightwinds Carried Our Names" 1996 Secula Delenda
Nerthus (Austria) "Scattered To The Four Wainds" 2002 CCP
"Escape from Suction" 2000 CCP
Nifelheim(Swe) "Servants Of Darkness" 2000 Black Sun Records
Ninnghizhidda (Ger) "Blasphemy" 1998 Invasion
Nokturnal Mortum (Ukraine) "NeChrist" 2000 The End Records (MP3 discography avilable)
Nomicon (Fin) "Halla " 2001 Sagitarius


Octinomos (Swe) "On the Demiurge" 1995 Full Moon
Odhinn (Swe) "From A Splendourus Battle" 1998 Napalm Records
"The North Brigade" 1999 Napalm Records / Green Castle
Old Funeral (Nor) "The Older Ones (Best of/Compilation)" 1999 Hammerheart
"demos-eps (Demo, 1989; Abduction of Limbs; Devoured Carcass)"
Ogmias (Czech Republic) "Keltský Hnev" 2002 Eclipse Productions
Old Man´s Child (Nor) " In Defiance Of Existence" 2003 Century Media
"Vermin" 2005 Century Media
Ophthalamia (Swe) "Via Dolorosa" 1995 AvantGarde Music
Orcrist (It) "Primitive damnation" 2002 Third Reich Productions
Ork (Bulgaria) "Blessed by Evil" 2000 Wizard
Otyg (Swe) "I Troldskogens Drömmande Mörker (demo)" 1996 Self-released
"Älvefärd" 1998 Napalm Records

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Mactatus (Nor) "Suicide" 2002 Napalm Records
Malignant Eternal (Swe) "Tårnet" 1995 Hot Records
Maniac Butcher (Czech Republic) "Live In Germany" 2003 From Beyond Productions
Marduk "Blackcrowned (BoxSet)" 2002 Blooddawn Productions
"World Funeral" 2003 Blooddawn
"La Grande Danse Macabre" 2001 Blooddawn
"Infernal Eternal (live)" 2000 Blooddawn
"Panzer Division Marduk" 1999 Osmose Prods
"Nightwing" 1998 Osmose Prods
" Opus Nocturne" 1994 Osmose Prods
Mayhem (Nor) "Mediolanum Capta Est" 1999 Avant Garde
"Grand Declaration of War" 2000 Season Of Mist
"Chimera" 2004 Season Of Mist
"Jihad/Freezing Moon" 2002 Supernal Music
"Tribute: Originators of the Northern Darkness"
"Nordic Metal: A tribute to Euronymous"
Melechesh (fucking israel) "Djinn" 2001 Osmose Productions
Menhir (Ger) "Ziuwari " 2001 Skaldic Art
Mephistopheles (Ger) "Landscape Symphonies" 1997 Last Episode Productions
Moonblood (Ger) "Asakku / Moonblood" 1998 Sombre Records
Moonblood (Ger)/ Inferno (Cze) 1999 Sombre / Christhunt
Moonblood / Katharsis (Ger) 2001 Sombre Records -7" single. -
Siegfried (Die Sage vom Helden) 1995 Independent -demo-
"supreme black force"
"fullmoon withchery"
Moonblood / Nema 1996 Unholy Baphomet Records
"Fuck Peace! We Are At War! " 1999 Southern records
"Rehearsal 1 - My Evil Soul " 1994 self-released
Moontower (Pol) "Praise The Apocalypse " 2004 ISO666 Releases
Moonsorrow (Fin) "Suden Uni " 2001 Plasmatica Records
"Voimasta Ja Kunniasta" 2001 Spikefarm Records
Morgul (Norway) " Sketch Of Supposed Murderer " 2001 Century Media
Mortuary Drape (It) "All The Witches Dance" 1994 Unisound
Mütiilation "Majestas Leprosus" 2003 Ordealis Records
Mysticum (Nor) "In the Streams of Inferno" 1996 Full Moon Production
MZ.412 (Swe) "Nordik Battle Signs" 1999 Cold Meat Industry
"Burning the Temple of god" 1996 Cold Meat Industry

K - L

Keep of Kalessin (Nor) "Agnen: A Journey Through the Dark" 1999 AvantGarde
Khold (Nor) "Masterpiss of Pain" 2001 Moonfog
"Phantom " 2002 Moonfog
"Morke Gravers Kammer" 2004 Candlelight Records
Krig (ger) "Throne of Majesty Triumph" 2000 Wolf Musik


Legion of Doom (Gre) "varios tracks" cd muestra
Leviathan (US) "Tentacles of Whorror" 2004 Moribund Records
Limbonic Art "Limbonic Art volume 1-4 (Boxset)" 2001 Hammerheart Records
contains: Moon in the Scorpio; In Abhorrence Dementia; Epitome of Illusions; Ad Noctum Dynasty of Death
Lord Belial (Sweden) "Unholy Crusade " 1999 No Fashion Records
Lord Wind (Pol) "Forgotten Songs" 1996 Full Moon Productions
"Heralds Of Fight" 2000 No Colours Records
Love Lies Bleeding (Fr) "Ex Nihilo" 2002 CCP Records
Lux Occulta (Pol) "Forever Alone . Immortal" 1996 Pagan Records
"Dionysos" 1997 Pagan Records
"Maior Arcana" 1998 Pagan Records

I - J

Immortal (Nor) "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism" 1992 Osmose Productions
"Pure Holocaust" 1993 Osmose Productions
"Battles in the North" 1995 Osmose Productions
"Blizzard Beasts" 1997 Osmose Productions
"Sons of Northern Darkness" 2002 Nuclear Blast
Impaled Nazarene (Fin) "Absence Of War Does Not Mean Peace" 2001 Osmose
"Ugra-Karma" 1998 Osmose
"Decade of Decadence" 2000 Osmose Prods
"All That You Fear" 2003 Osmose Productions
In Aeternum (Swe) "Past and Present Sins " 2001 Necropolis
Infernum (Pol) "Taur-Nu-Fuin" 1994 Astral Wings
In the Woods (Nor) "Heart Of The Ages" 1995 Misanthropy
"A Return To The Isle Of Men" 1996 Hammerheart
"Omnio" 1997 Misanthropy
"Live At The Caledonien Hall" 2003 Karmakosmetix/Prophecy Prods
Infinity (Netherlands) "the birth of death" 2004 Total Holocaust Records
Inquisition (Col) "Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer" 2004 No Colours Records
Isengard (Nor) "Høstmørke" 1995 Moonfog
Iuvenes (Pol) "Riddle Of Steel" 2000 No Colours Records
"When Heroes Will Rise" 2002 No Colours Records


Joyless (Nor) "Unlimited Hate" 1999 No Colours Records
Judas Iscariot (US) "Thy Dying Light" 1996 Moribund Cult


Haemoth (Fra) "Satanik Terrorism" 2003 (unknown)
Hate Forest (Ukraine) "The Most Ancient Ones (Best of/Compilation)" 2001 Supernal Music
"Scythia" 1999 Beverina Productions
Havohej (US) "Dethrone the Son of God" 1993 Candlelight
Helheim (Nor) "Nidr Ok Nordr Liggr Helvegr" 2005 re-issued Perverted Taste
Hellfire (Swe) "Into fire..." 1999 No Colours Records
Hellsaw (Aus) "Sins of might" 2003 Westwall Produktion/Irminsul
Hin Onde (Fin) "Songs of Battle" 2000 Aftermath

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Garwall (Fra) "Black Beast" 2004 Holy Records
Gaahlskagg (Nor) "Erotic Funeral" 2000 No Colours Records
Gehenna (Nor) "Murder " 2000 Moonfog Productions
Godless North (Ca) "Summon the Age of Supremacy" 2001 Breath Of Night / Merciless
Gorgoroth "Destroyer, or About How To Philosophize With The Hammer" 1998 Nuclear Blast
"Incipit Satan" 2000 Nuclear Blast
"Twilight of the Idols (In Conspiracy with Satan)" 2003 Nuclear Blast
Grand Belial Key (US) "Mocking the philanthropist / Judeobeast assassination" [por identificarse]
Graveland (Pol) "Carpathian Wolves" 1994 Eternal Devils
"Following The Voice Of Blood" 1997 No Colours Records
"Creed of Iron" 2000 No Colours Records
"Dawn Of Iron Blades" 2004 No Colours Records
"The Celtic Winter" 1994 No Colours Records
"In The Glare Of Burning Churches" 1996 No Colours Records
"Immortal Pride" 1998 No Colours Records
"Impaler's Wolves" 2000 No Colours Records
"Drunemeton" 1992 self released
"Necromanteion" 1992 self released
"The Fire of Awakening" 2003 No Colours Records
"Thousand Swords" 1995 Lethal Records
Graven (Ger) "Perished and Forgotten" 2001 Undercover Records
Graveworm (It) "As The Angels Reach The Beauty" 1999 Last Episode
"When Daylight's Gone" 1997 Serenades Records
"Scourge of Malice" 2001 Last Episode


Falkenbach (Iceland) "...En Their Medh Riki Fara..." 1996 No Colours Records
"...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri..." 1998 Napalm Records
Ferro Ignique (Germany) "World Wide War" 1999 Folter Records
Finntroll (Finland) " Midnattens Widunder" 1999 Spikefarm Records
"Visor Om Slutet" 2003 Spikefarm Records
Fog (US) "Through The Eyes of Night... Winged they Come" 2001 WWII
Forefather (UK) "Deep into Time" 1999 Angelisc
Forest (Rusia) "Like a Blaze Above the Ashes" 2004 ISO666
Forgotten Darkness (Ger) "Nacht aus Blut" 2004 Ewiges Eis Records
Forgotten Woods (Nor) "The Curse Of Mankind" 1996 No Colours Records
Fortid (Iceland) " Voluspa Part I - Thor's Anger" 2003 No Colours Records
Frostmoon (Nor) "Tordenkrig" 1999 Oskorei Productions/Sound Riot
Funeral Mist (Swe) " Salvation " 2003 Norma Evangelium Diaboli


Elf for (Spain) "From The Throne Of Hate" 2004 auto-ekoizpena
Elysian Fields, The (Greece) "12 Ablaze" 2001 Black Lotus Records
Emperor "Reverence" (7" vinyl limited to 1000) 1996 Candlelight Records
"Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" 1997 Candlelight Records
"Thorns vs. Emperor" 1998 Moonfog Records.
"Emperor / Wrath of the Tyrant" (Best of/Compilation) 1998 Candlelight Music
"IX Equilibrium" 1999 Candlelight Records
"Prometheus - The Discipline of Fire & Demise" 2001 Candlelight Records
"Emperial Live Ceremony" 2000 Candlelight Records
Empyrium (Ger) "A Wintersunset..." 1996 Prophecy Productions
Enid (Ger) "Seelenspiegel" 2002 Code666
"Abschiedsreigen" 2000 CCP Records
Enslaved (Nor) "Mardraum: Beyond The Within" 2000 Osmose Productions
"Monumension" 2001 Osmose Productions
"Blodhemn" 1998 Osmose Productions
Enthroned (Belgium) "Towards The Skullthrone Of Satan" 1997 Blackened Records
"The Apocalypse Manifesto" 1999 Blackened Records
Ereshkigal (Mex) "Ten Years Of Blasphemy" 2004 Azermedoth Recs
Evil (Bra) "Iron and Thunder" 2004 Autistiartili Records
Evol (It) "Dies Irae" 2001Black Tears Of Death / Beyond
"Dreamquest" 1996 Adipocere Records
"Portraits" 1999 Adipocere Records


Dark Fortress (Ger)
Dark Funeral (Swe) "Live in Sunsdavall" no oficial record
"Vobiscum Satanas" 1998 No Fashion Records
"The Secrets Of The Black Arts" 1996 No Fashion Records
"Diabolis Interium" 2001 No Fashion Records
Darkthrone (Nor) "Soulside Journey" 1990 Peaceville Records
"A Blaze in the Northern Sky" 1991 Peaceville
"Under a Funeral Moon" 1993 Peaceville Records
"Transilvanian Hunger" 1994 Peaceville Records
"Panzerfaust" 1995 Moonfog
"Total Death" 1996 Moonfog
"Goatlord" 1997 Moonfog
"Ravishing Grimness" 1999 Moonfog tape
"Plaguewielder" 2001 Moonfog Productions
"Hate Them" 2003 Moonfog Productions
"Sardonic Wrath" 2004 Moonfog Productions
Darzamat (Poland) ¿¿?? "In The Flames Of Black Art" 1996 Faithless Productions
Darkwoods My Betrothed (Fin) "Autumn Roars Thunder" 1996 Solistitium Records
Dawn (Swe) "Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher" 1994 Necropolis Records
"Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)" 1998 Necropolis Records
Death dies (Italy) "The Sound of Demons" 2002
Deinonychus (Netherlands) "Insomnia" 2004 My Kingdom Music
"The Silence Of December" 1995 Cacophonous Records
"Ark Of Thought" 1997 Supernal Music
Demoniac (New Zealand) "Prepare For War" 1994 Evil Omen Records
Demonist (Cze) "Undead" 2000 Leviathan Black Metal
Desaster (Ger) "Ten Years Of Total Desaster" 1999 Merciless Records Black/Thrash Metal Tormentor :
Diabolical Masquerade (Sw) "Death's Design" 2001 AvantGarde Music
Diabolos Rising (Gre) 666 1996 Osmose
Die Saat (Ger) Niedergang 2002 EE Records Black
Dimmu Borgir "For All Tid" 1994 re-issued Nuclear Blast w/ colorized cover art.
"Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" 1997 Nuclear Blast
"Godless Savage Garden" 1998 Nuclear Blast ep
"Spiritual Black Dimensions" 1999 Nuclear Blast
"Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia" 2001 Nuclear Blast
"Alive in Torment" 2002 Nuclear Blast Limited edition, shaped CD.
"World Misanthropy" 2002 Nuclear Blast DVD
"Death Cult Armageddon" 2004 Nuclear Blast
Dissection (Swe) "Frozen in Wacken 1997" 1997 n/a Melodic Black/Death Metal Bootleg
(also a Mp3 all discography)
Dødheimsgard (Nor) "Kronet Til Konge" 1995 Malicious Records
"Metal Monumental Possession" 1996 Malicious Records
"666 International" 1999 Moonfog
Dornenreich (Aus) Bitter Ist`s Dem Tod Zu Dienen 1999
"Nicht Um Zu Sterben " 1997 CCP Records


Capricornus (Pol) / Aryan Blood 1999 Wolftower Prods / Capricornus
Carpathian Forest (Nor) "Morbid Fascination Of Death" 2001 AvantGarde Music
"We're Going To Hell For This - Over A Decade Of Perversions" 2000 Avantgarde
"We`re Going To Hollywood For This" 2004 DVD
Cirith Gorgor (Nether) "Unveiling The Essence" 2001 Osmose Productions
Cruachan (Ir) "Folk-Lore" 2002 Hammerheart Records
Covenant (Nor) "Nexus Polaris" 1998 Nuclear Blast
Curse "Cursed Be Thy Name" 2001 No Colours Records


Baltak (Macedonia) "Kral Na Dva Svetoj" 2000 Battlegod
Bathory (Swe) "Bathory" 1984 Under One Flag/Black Mark
"The Return" 1985 Under One Flag/Black Mark
"Under The Sign Of The Black Mark" 1987 Under One Flag/Black Mark
"Blood Fire Death" 1988 Under One Flag/Black Mark
"Hammerheart" 1990 Noise Records
"Requiem" 1994 Black Mark Production
"Octagon" 1995 Black Mark Production
"Blood On Ice" 1996 Black Mark Production
"Destroyer Of Worlds" 2001 Black Mark Production
"Tribute to Bathory"
"The Black Essence-History" 1999 RS
Beatrik (It) Journey Through The End Of Life 2002 Serpens Caput Productions
Behemoth (Pol) Satanica 1999 AvantGarde Music
"Thelema.6" 2000 Avantgarde Music
"Historica" (Box set vinyl): 2002 Metal Mind Productions (Contains: And The Forests Dream Eternally, Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic), Grom, Pandemonic Incantations, Live In Toulouse + Rarities).
"The Art of Rebellion: Live 2002" DVD
"Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond)" 2002 Avantgarde/Olympic Records
" ...From the Pagan Vastlands" demo 1993 Pagan Records
"Conjuration" 2003 Regain/Olympic Records
"Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic)" 1995 Pagan Records
Beherit (Fin) "The Oath of Black Blood" 1991 Turbo Music
"Drawing Down The Moon" 1993 Spinefarm Records
"H418ov21.C" 1994 Spinefarm Records
"Messe des Morts / Angelcunt (Archgoat)" 1999 Necropolis Records
Behexen (Fin) "By the Blessing of Satan " 2004 Woodcut Records
Belthil (Pol) pre-Veles Rehearsal 1993 "Demo"
Belphegor "The kingdom of -...
Bestial Mockery (Sw) "Christcrushing Hammerchainsaw" 2002 Metal Blood Music
Bethlehem (Ger) "Schatten aus der Alexander Welt" 2001 Prophecy Productions
"Sardonischer Untergang im Zeichen irreligiöser Darbietung" 1998 Red Stream
"Dark Metal" 1994 Adipocere
"Dictius Te Necare" 1996 Red Stream / Prophecy
Bewitched (Swe) "Diabolical Desecration" 1996 Osmose Productions
"At The Gates Of Hell" 1999 Osmose Productions
Bilskirnir (Ger) "Totenheer/Rammbock" 2003 Millennium Metal
Black Dawn (Fin) "Blood For Satan" 2001 Necropolis Records
Black Empire (Mex) "The black magic Domain" (MCD) 2000 American Line Productions
Black Funeral (US) "Az-I-Dahak" 2004 Behemoth Productions
"Vampyr - Throne Of The Beast" 1996 Full Moon Productions
Black Witchery (US) "Desecration of the Holy Kingdom" 2001 Full Moon Productions
Blasphemy "The Final Armaggedon
Bloodrose (Fin) "Into Oblivion" 2002 Retribute Records
Bloodthorn (Nor) "Onwards Into Battle" 1999 Season Of Mist
Blut (Swe) "United In Battle" 2005 Stellar Winter Records
Borknagar (Swe) "Empiricism" 2001 Century Media
Burzum "Svarte daven"
"Det Som Engang Var" 1994 Misanthropy Records.
"Burzum/Aske" 1995 Misanthropy Records
"Filosofem" 1996 Misanthropy Records
"Daudi Baldrs" 1997 Misanthropy Records

Friday, December 09, 2005


- 1349 (Norway) "Beyond the Apocalypse" 2004 Candlelight Records
"1349" (ep) 2001 Holycaust
- Abhor (Ita) "Nequaquam Vaccum: Beginning Of The Great Opera" (Best of) 2000
- Abigor (Austria) "Channeling the Quintessence of Satan" 1999 Napalm Records
- Aborym (it) "Kali Yuga Bizarre" 1999 Scarlet Records
"Fire Walk With Us" 2001 Scarlet Records
- Absurd (Ger) "totenlieder" 2003 Nebelfee Klangwerke
- Abyss, The "The Other Side" 1995 Nuclear Blast
"Summon The Beast" 1997 Nuclear Blast
- Abyssic Hate (Australia) "Suicidal Emotions" 2000 No Colours Records
- Acheron (US) "Rites of the Black Mass" 1991 JL America
"Those Who Have Risen" 1998 Full Moon Productions
"Anti-God, Anti-Christ" 1996 Moribund Records
"Xomaly" 2002 Warlord Records ep
- Adorned Brood "Asgard" 2000 Moonstorm
- Aeternus (Nor) "Ascension of Terror" 2001 Hammerheart
- Agathodaimon (Ger) "Chapter III" 2001 Nuclear
- Akerbeltz (Esp) "Akerhell" 2002 Millenium Metal Music
- Algol (US) "Gorgonus Aura" 2000 Twelfth Planet Records
- Ancestral (Mx) "Memories of war"
- Ancient Ceremony (Ger) "The Third Testament" 2002 Tristol/Armageddon Shadow
- Antaeus (Fr) "Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan" 2000 Baphomet Records
- Anthropolatri (Ukraine) "Volia Sviatoslava" 2000 Chanteloup Creations Records
- Aphoom Zhah (Belarus) "Šmierciesla? Aphoom Zhah - Biessmjarotny Czorny Mietal" Eternal Pain 2004
- Arcturus (Nor) "La Masquerade Infernale" 1997 Music For Nations
"The Sham Mirrors" 2002 Ad Astra
- Arkhon Infaustus "Hell Injection" 2001 Osmose Productions
"Perdition Insanabilis" 2004 Osmose Productions
- Aryan Terrorism (Ukraine) "War" 2002 Resistance Records
- Asmegin ??? [por indeficarse]
- Astarte "Quod Superius Sicut Inferius" 2003 Black Lotus
- Atoll Nerat (Russia) "Art of Ancient Seers" 2002
- Aura Noir (Nor) "Dreams Like Deserts" 1995 Hot Records
"Black Thrash Attack" 1996 Malicious Records
"Increased Damnation" (Best of/Compilation) 2000 Hammerheart Records
"Deep Tracts of Hell" 1998 Hammerheart Records
- Avzhia The Key Of Throne 2004 Old War Productions
- Azaghal (Fin) "The Nine Circles Of Hell" (Helvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä) 1999 Evil Horde Records

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