NECRO: Killing time

Blog de Lord Necro: Raw Black & death metal, pagan, thrash, doom, viking, grind core, noise, folk, NSBM. Blog alternativo contacto:

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Dark Fortress (Ger)
Dark Funeral (Swe) "Live in Sunsdavall" no oficial record
"Vobiscum Satanas" 1998 No Fashion Records
"The Secrets Of The Black Arts" 1996 No Fashion Records
"Diabolis Interium" 2001 No Fashion Records
Darkthrone (Nor) "Soulside Journey" 1990 Peaceville Records
"A Blaze in the Northern Sky" 1991 Peaceville
"Under a Funeral Moon" 1993 Peaceville Records
"Transilvanian Hunger" 1994 Peaceville Records
"Panzerfaust" 1995 Moonfog
"Total Death" 1996 Moonfog
"Goatlord" 1997 Moonfog
"Ravishing Grimness" 1999 Moonfog tape
"Plaguewielder" 2001 Moonfog Productions
"Hate Them" 2003 Moonfog Productions
"Sardonic Wrath" 2004 Moonfog Productions
Darzamat (Poland) ¿¿?? "In The Flames Of Black Art" 1996 Faithless Productions
Darkwoods My Betrothed (Fin) "Autumn Roars Thunder" 1996 Solistitium Records
Dawn (Swe) "Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher" 1994 Necropolis Records
"Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy)" 1998 Necropolis Records
Death dies (Italy) "The Sound of Demons" 2002
Deinonychus (Netherlands) "Insomnia" 2004 My Kingdom Music
"The Silence Of December" 1995 Cacophonous Records
"Ark Of Thought" 1997 Supernal Music
Demoniac (New Zealand) "Prepare For War" 1994 Evil Omen Records
Demonist (Cze) "Undead" 2000 Leviathan Black Metal
Desaster (Ger) "Ten Years Of Total Desaster" 1999 Merciless Records Black/Thrash Metal Tormentor :
Diabolical Masquerade (Sw) "Death's Design" 2001 AvantGarde Music
Diabolos Rising (Gre) 666 1996 Osmose
Die Saat (Ger) Niedergang 2002 EE Records Black
Dimmu Borgir "For All Tid" 1994 re-issued Nuclear Blast w/ colorized cover art.
"Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" 1997 Nuclear Blast
"Godless Savage Garden" 1998 Nuclear Blast ep
"Spiritual Black Dimensions" 1999 Nuclear Blast
"Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia" 2001 Nuclear Blast
"Alive in Torment" 2002 Nuclear Blast Limited edition, shaped CD.
"World Misanthropy" 2002 Nuclear Blast DVD
"Death Cult Armageddon" 2004 Nuclear Blast
Dissection (Swe) "Frozen in Wacken 1997" 1997 n/a Melodic Black/Death Metal Bootleg
(also a Mp3 all discography)
Dødheimsgard (Nor) "Kronet Til Konge" 1995 Malicious Records
"Metal Monumental Possession" 1996 Malicious Records
"666 International" 1999 Moonfog
Dornenreich (Aus) Bitter Ist`s Dem Tod Zu Dienen 1999
"Nicht Um Zu Sterben " 1997 CCP Records


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