NECRO: Killing time

Blog de Lord Necro: Raw Black & death metal, pagan, thrash, doom, viking, grind core, noise, folk, NSBM. Blog alternativo contacto:

Friday, December 09, 2005


- 1349 (Norway) "Beyond the Apocalypse" 2004 Candlelight Records
"1349" (ep) 2001 Holycaust
- Abhor (Ita) "Nequaquam Vaccum: Beginning Of The Great Opera" (Best of) 2000
- Abigor (Austria) "Channeling the Quintessence of Satan" 1999 Napalm Records
- Aborym (it) "Kali Yuga Bizarre" 1999 Scarlet Records
"Fire Walk With Us" 2001 Scarlet Records
- Absurd (Ger) "totenlieder" 2003 Nebelfee Klangwerke
- Abyss, The "The Other Side" 1995 Nuclear Blast
"Summon The Beast" 1997 Nuclear Blast
- Abyssic Hate (Australia) "Suicidal Emotions" 2000 No Colours Records
- Acheron (US) "Rites of the Black Mass" 1991 JL America
"Those Who Have Risen" 1998 Full Moon Productions
"Anti-God, Anti-Christ" 1996 Moribund Records
"Xomaly" 2002 Warlord Records ep
- Adorned Brood "Asgard" 2000 Moonstorm
- Aeternus (Nor) "Ascension of Terror" 2001 Hammerheart
- Agathodaimon (Ger) "Chapter III" 2001 Nuclear
- Akerbeltz (Esp) "Akerhell" 2002 Millenium Metal Music
- Algol (US) "Gorgonus Aura" 2000 Twelfth Planet Records
- Ancestral (Mx) "Memories of war"
- Ancient Ceremony (Ger) "The Third Testament" 2002 Tristol/Armageddon Shadow
- Antaeus (Fr) "Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan" 2000 Baphomet Records
- Anthropolatri (Ukraine) "Volia Sviatoslava" 2000 Chanteloup Creations Records
- Aphoom Zhah (Belarus) "Šmierciesla? Aphoom Zhah - Biessmjarotny Czorny Mietal" Eternal Pain 2004
- Arcturus (Nor) "La Masquerade Infernale" 1997 Music For Nations
"The Sham Mirrors" 2002 Ad Astra
- Arkhon Infaustus "Hell Injection" 2001 Osmose Productions
"Perdition Insanabilis" 2004 Osmose Productions
- Aryan Terrorism (Ukraine) "War" 2002 Resistance Records
- Asmegin ??? [por indeficarse]
- Astarte "Quod Superius Sicut Inferius" 2003 Black Lotus
- Atoll Nerat (Russia) "Art of Ancient Seers" 2002
- Aura Noir (Nor) "Dreams Like Deserts" 1995 Hot Records
"Black Thrash Attack" 1996 Malicious Records
"Increased Damnation" (Best of/Compilation) 2000 Hammerheart Records
"Deep Tracts of Hell" 1998 Hammerheart Records
- Avzhia The Key Of Throne 2004 Old War Productions
- Azaghal (Fin) "The Nine Circles Of Hell" (Helvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä) 1999 Evil Horde Records


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