NECRO: Killing time

Blog de Lord Necro: Raw Black & death metal, pagan, thrash, doom, viking, grind core, noise, folk, NSBM. Blog alternativo contacto:

Thursday, December 15, 2005

U - V

Ulver "Themes From William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" 1998 Jester Records
"Aatte Hymne til Ulven i Manden" 1996 Century Media
"Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler" 1994 Head Not Found
UnLord (Netherlands) "Lord of Beneath" 2002 Displeased Records
Unpure (Swe) "Coldland" 1997 Napalm Records
Urgehal (Nor) "Arma Christi" 1997 No Colours Records
"Massive Terrestrial Strike" 1998 No Colours Records
"Through Thick Fog Till Death" 2003 Agonia Records
Uruk Hai (Spa) "In The Side Of Eternal Eclipse" 2001 Battlefield Records


Vargsang (Ger) "Call of the Nightwolves" 2003 Undercover Records
Veles (Pol) "Night on the Bare Mountain" 1995 No Colours Records
"Black Hateful Metal" 1997 No Colours Records
Venedae (Pol) "Siedem Kamiennych Oblicz" 2002 Eastside
Venom (UK) "At War With Satan" 1983 Combat
"Welcome to Hell" 1981 Neat
"Cast in Stone" 1997 Steamhammer / SPV
"massacre days"
Vintersorg (Swe) "Cosmic Genesis" 2000 Napalm Records
Vlad Tepes (Fra) "Black Legions Spirits" 2004 bootleg
Vordven (Fin) "Towards The Frozen Stream" 1999 No Colours Records
"Woodland Passage" 2001 No Colours Records


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