NECRO: Killing time

Blog de Lord Necro: Raw Black & death metal, pagan, thrash, doom, viking, grind core, noise, folk, NSBM. Blog alternativo contacto:

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Falkenbach (Iceland) "...En Their Medh Riki Fara..." 1996 No Colours Records
"...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri..." 1998 Napalm Records
Ferro Ignique (Germany) "World Wide War" 1999 Folter Records
Finntroll (Finland) " Midnattens Widunder" 1999 Spikefarm Records
"Visor Om Slutet" 2003 Spikefarm Records
Fog (US) "Through The Eyes of Night... Winged they Come" 2001 WWII
Forefather (UK) "Deep into Time" 1999 Angelisc
Forest (Rusia) "Like a Blaze Above the Ashes" 2004 ISO666
Forgotten Darkness (Ger) "Nacht aus Blut" 2004 Ewiges Eis Records
Forgotten Woods (Nor) "The Curse Of Mankind" 1996 No Colours Records
Fortid (Iceland) " Voluspa Part I - Thor's Anger" 2003 No Colours Records
Frostmoon (Nor) "Tordenkrig" 1999 Oskorei Productions/Sound Riot
Funeral Mist (Swe) " Salvation " 2003 Norma Evangelium Diaboli


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