NECRO: Killing time

Blog de Lord Necro: Raw Black & death metal, pagan, thrash, doom, viking, grind core, noise, folk, NSBM. Blog alternativo contacto:

Thursday, December 15, 2005

P - R

Panchrysia (Belgium) "In Obscure Depths" 2002 LSP Company
Pest (Fin) "Hail The Black Metal Wolves Of Belial" 2003 BloodFireDeath / Vinland Winds
Pest (Swe) "Dauðafærð" 2004 No Colours Records
"Blasphemy is my Throne" 2003 Bloodstone Entertainment
"Desecration" 2003 No Colours Records


Ragnarok (Nor) "Arising Realm" 1997 Head Not Found
"In Nomine Satanas" 2002 Regain Records
Ragnarok (UK) ?? nattfred ??
Revenge (Ca) "Victory.Intolerance.Mastery" 2004 Osmose Productions
Root (Cze Rep) "Black Seal" 2001 Red Black
"Hell Symphony" 1992 Zeras / Cacophanous
"Zjevení / The Revelation" 1990 Zeras / Cacophanous
Rossomahaar (Russia) "Imperium Tenebrarum" 1999 More Hate/SoundAge
Rotting Christ (Greece) "Khronos" 2000 Century Media
"Genesis" 2002 Century Media


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